Recommended Food To Get Rid Of Common Acne

A recommended list of food rich in zinc and vitamin C to fight with common acne.

Acne is an infection of the skin, caused by changes in the sebaceous glands. The most common form of acne is called acne vulgaris, which means common acne. The redness comes from the inflammation of the skin in response to the infection. Bad acne often leads to bad scars where the skin has the shape of a volcano. It is difficult and expensive to treat acne scars.

A mix of commercial and homemade treatments including diet can help with acne for various reasons. Try the following:

  1. Cut down sweets, salted snacks, sugar, chocolates
  2. Eat zinc rich food such as shellfish, nuts, spinach (boiled) Lamb loin (roasted), green peas (boiled), yogurt low-fat, Crimini mushrooms, raw etc.
  3. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C

Antarctica Volcanos Found

This is an interesting discovery which may lead to provide us more information about life and other factors.

The first evidence of a volcanic eruption from beneath Antarctica’s most rapidly changing ice sheet has been reported. The geography of Antarctica is dominated by its south polar location and, thus, by ice. The Antarctic continent, located in the Earth’s southern hemisphere, is centered asymmetrically around the South Pole and largely south of the Antarctic Circle.
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