Windows command line download, file transfer tool

How do you transfer files asynchronously between a client and a server using command line tool?

There is a nice tool called BITS (Background Intelligent Transfer Service) for this job.

BITSAdmin is a command-line tool that you can use to create download or upload jobs and monitor their progress.

From BITS page:
A download job downloads files to the client, an upload job uploads a file to the server, and an upload-reply job uploads a file to the server and receives a reply file from the server application.

BITS continues to transfer files after an application exits if the user who initiated the transfer remains logged on and a network connection is maintained. BITS will not force a connection.

BITS suspends the transfer if a connection is lost or if the user logs off. BITS persists transfer information while the user is logged off, across network disconnects, and during computer restarts.

A must have tool for admins. For example download xyz.pdf from web site:

bitsadmin /transfer xnase downloaded.pdf

More examples available at MSDN web site.

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