Faces of the Fallen-news stories and military reports

This screenshot from The Washington Post compiles news stories and military reports to assemble portraits of U.S. service members lost to the ongoing conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The database, which was recently relaunched with newly browsable features and permalinks, offers both sweeping views of the operations’ tolls and individual profiles of each soldier or Marine who has died. Browsing through, you can view current data on which state has lost the most men and women.

You can click in to a profile, anywhere on the site, to read about the individuals behind those statistics.

After visiting site, I strongly feel that we will never learn from our history.

Remembering Chernobyl Nuclear Nightmares

Twenty years ago y’day, the world’s worst nuclear disaster blew the roof off the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine. For many people, the event seems far off, and much has changed in the decades since. But for those who live in Chernobyl and other former Soviet towns, afflictions from nuclear accidents and experiments remain an intimate part of their lives.

I hope human learn something from it. There is still great dangerous because of Nuclear bombs.

Photographer Robert Knoth and reporter Antoinette De Jong have traveled through the Ukraine, Urals, Kazakhstan, and Siberia to capture, in searing black-and-white portraits, the way that nuclear radiation has forever altered the humans who face it