Windows XP – Batch file script to copy all files

This is a small script I use to copy file quickly from source to destination. This script should work under Windows XP, 2000, 2003, 98/95 etc.

Script accept two command line argument as follows:
mycopy.bat {source} {destination}

mycopy.bat – This script copies files and directories, including subdirectories using Windows xcopy program. You must pass following two arguments/parameters
source – Use to specify the location and names of the file/directory you want to copy.
destination – Use to specify the destination of the files you want to copy.

How do I use this script?

For example copy all *.doc file from C:\DATA to \\SERVER\BACKUP directory, you need to execute script as follows:
Cd c:\data

mycopy.bat *.doc \\SERVER\BACKUP

OR copy all files from c:\data to z:\

mycopy.bat c:\data\** z:\

mycopy.bat source code

@echo off
if "%1" == "" goto error1
if "%2" == "" goto error2
@rem * Copy from source to destination including subdirs and hidden
@rem * File
xcopy "%1" "%2" /S /E /H
goto endofprogram
echo You must provide source
echo Syntax:
echo %0 source destination
goto endofprogram
echo You must provide destination
echo Syntax:
echo %0 source destination
goto endofprogram


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