Redhat login banner

You must be wondering how to change the system login banner. It is a very simple task. You login banner is stored in /etc/issue file. It is a text file which contains a message or system identification to be printed before the login prompt. Just open file in vi text editor:
# vi /etc/issue

Add/modify text as per your needs. In your /etc/issue file you can include certain escape codes to display the system name, date and time etc. All escape codes consist of a backslash (\) immediately followed
by one of the letters explained below:

An example of /etc/issue file with escape codes:

1) Open /etc/issue file
# vi /etc/issue

2) Append/edit/add following text to file:
This is \n.\o (\s \m \r) \t

3) Save file and exit to shell prompt.

My baaner printed before the login prompt as follows:

This is (Linux i686 2.6.13-web100) 20:01:30

server login:

Please note that other Linux distrobution such as Debian also support /etc/issue file, so you can edit it to display login banner.

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