Understanding IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6) for home and enterprise networking

Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is a network layer protocol for packet-switched internetworks. It is a next version of current IPv4. IPv6 supports 2128 addresses, approximately.

ArsTechnica has published an excellent guide:

The engineers who design the machinery deep inside the bowels of the Internet have been working on it for more than a decade, but recently, companies like Microsoft and Apple have been more aggressive about enabling it in their new products: IPv6, the protocol that will power the next generation Internet.

TCP/IP has served us well since it was born in 1981, but for some time now it has been clear that the IP part has a limitation that makes continued growth of the Internet for decades to come problematic. In order to accommodate a large number of hosts but not waste too much space in the IP packet on overhead, the TCP/IP designers settled on an address size of 32 bits. With 32 bits, it’s possible to express 4,294,967,296 different values. Over half a billion of those are unusable as addresses for various reasons, giving us a total of 3.7 billion possible addresses for hosts on the Internet. As of January 1, 2007, 2.4 billion of those were in (some kind of) use. 1.3 billion were still available and about 170 million new addresses are given out each year. So at this rate, 7.5 years from now, we’ll be clean out of IP addresses; faster if the number of addresses used per year goes up.

=> Everything you need to know about IPv6

Server Computer Configuration for an Internet Service Provider (ISP)

Here is a quick question from one of our reader:

What sort of computer should you buy for an ISP? We need a computer for mailing, hosting customer sites and running games like Quake. We are small startup ISP.

For mailing and webhosting need you need to purchase a dedicated server. You can build one for yourself (a whitebox) or order from Dell and other vendors. A minimum suggested configuration:

Web server
=> Dual Intel XEON or AMD Dual core processor

=> RAID 5 1/2 TB disk space

=> 4 GB Ecc RAM

=> Linux or FreeBSD UNIX operating system
This web server can handle shared hosting load. You can use same configuration computer for mailing with anti spam and anti virus software.

For gaming you can get a Dual core Intel / AMD CPU with lods of RAM and fast hard disks.

Remember an ISP server mean lots of services such as a Firewall, Web, FTP, RADIUS server etc. You should also consider operating system and your own level of handling the same. You can also purchase 3rd party game and management control panel. Basically you need to do good research before making a final decision.

Windows command line download, file transfer tool

How do you transfer files asynchronously between a client and a server using command line tool?

There is a nice tool called BITS (Background Intelligent Transfer Service) for this job.

BITSAdmin is a command-line tool that you can use to create download or upload jobs and monitor their progress.

From BITS page:
A download job downloads files to the client, an upload job uploads a file to the server, and an upload-reply job uploads a file to the server and receives a reply file from the server application.

BITS continues to transfer files after an application exits if the user who initiated the transfer remains logged on and a network connection is maintained. BITS will not force a connection.

BITS suspends the transfer if a connection is lost or if the user logs off. BITS persists transfer information while the user is logged off, across network disconnects, and during computer restarts.

A must have tool for admins. For example download xyz.pdf from http://foo.com web site:

bitsadmin /transfer xnase http://foo.com/xyz.pdf downloaded.pdf

More examples available at MSDN web site.

How do I modify the settings on wireless or normal DSL router?

I have total two routers. One is wireless (Linksys wrt54) and another is ADSL router. You do not have to use GUI program to modify settings. You can modify settings using special software provided by router manufacture or use standard web based configuration option.

Wireless router wrt54g


  • Open your web browser (Firefox or Internet Explorer)
  • Type routers IP address (the default for most router is
  • When prompted type username and password (again default for most router is admin/password or admin/admin)
  • Now you can modify the settings
  • Just click on appropriate links or tabs to change the settings
  • Do not forget to save settings